Wednesday, August 2

ViSion Photo Contest

                                                           ViSion Photo Contest
                                                         August 3rd / August 25th
ViSion Clothing Store invites you to participate in our photo contest.
The event will start August 3rd and will end August 25th.                     
The winners prizes:

.1st place
 ► Voucher with L$7000  
 ► Fat Pack of next release - Pre-release                              
 ► Profile picture by photographer

.2nd place
 ► Voucher with L$5000  
 ► Fat Pack of next release - Pre-release                         

 .3rd place
 ► Voucher with L$3000  
 ► Fat Pack of next release - Pre-release 

.4th place  
 ► Fat Pack on item of your choice 

 .5th place  
 ► 3 single items of your choice

Note: The vouchers can be used for any ViSion product from the Main Store!


► To participate in the photo contest, you need to be part of our group "ViSion Clothing Store"
► The photos (Maximum 2) have to be sent to
  From August 3rd 10:00 AM (SLT) until August 13th 10:00 AM (SLT)

- Avatar user name (not display)
- Maximum 2 photos of your avatar dressed with ViSion Clothes
- If your photos are with friends, it is not required them to be dressed with ViSion Clothes!

Time Line:

You will have 10 days period to send us your photos.

► Starts August 3rd at 10:00 AM (SLT)
► End August 13th at 10:00AM (SLT)

ViSion Team will select 20 of the best photos, which will be placed on the 2nd floor in the Main Store and the voting will start.

► Starts August 15th at 10:00 AM (SLT)
► End August 25th at 10:00AM (SLT)

The prizes will be received on August 26th!!!

ViSion Team wishes you Good Luck and a lots of fun.

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